How many major tank battles wwii
How many major tank battles wwii

how many major tank battles wwii

In use by the United States, the tanks were officially known as “Light Tank M3” and “Light Tank M5.” Stuarts were the first American-crewed tanks in World War II to engage the enemy in tank versus tank combat.īritish and other Commonwealth armies were the first to use the Light Tank M3 in combat. Stuart and was used for both the M3 and the derivative M5 Light Tank. The British service name “Stuart” came from the American Civil War Confederate General J.E.B. and Allied forces until the end of the war. It was first supplied to British and other Commonwealth forces under lend-lease prior to the entry of the United States into the war and thereafter it was used by U.S. The M3 Stuart, officially known as Light Tank, M3, was an American light tank of World War II.

how many major tank battles wwii

How much do you know about the history of the M3 tank used in this combat? tank involved in tank versus tank combat in World war II.

How many major tank battles wwii