Vst superior drummer 3
Vst superior drummer 3

Going to Edit Tempo or Edit Time Signatures with minimized song tracks would only properly unminimize the current song track, so closing that editor and switching to another track would show that track in a bad state.Ĭhanging Amount and then deselecting the song block could cause a crash. Pasting or removing sections in the time signature editor did not update the main time signature display. “Import Time Signatures from MIDI File” did not update the main time signature display. There were cases when dragging an external MIDI file to the track did not trigger a dialog about importing tempo or time signature when it should have (when the tempos or time signatures differed in certain ways). MIDI dragged from the song track did not include any time signature changes.ĭragging an external MIDI file to an empty song track did not change the main tempo of the song track.

vst superior drummer 3 vst superior drummer 3

MIDI files dragged out from SD3 no longer contain a key signature, so no SysEx track should get created in Cubase (even with the “Auto Dissolve Format 0” Cubase option on).Ĭontrolling a knob or slider using MIDI Learn, it is now possible to set the value to exactly 25%, 50% and 75% instead of just very close to those values.Īlternate Hits on stacked instruments made the instrument become muted after saving and loading a project. In projects with this issue (saved with version 3.2.5-3.2.7), the Alternate Hits option needs to be manually disabled on the affected stacked instrument, or the stack should be recreated.Ĭancelling the saving/naming of a new MIDI Learn preset would cause a crash.įixed a potential crash involving changing certain mic parameters after having replaced an instrument.

Vst superior drummer 3